ESG Journey

CPE has become an official signatory to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (the "UN PRI") since August 2021, as an investment manager member. When it was established, CPE formed an ESG policy to help guide its deal team in evaluating ESG factors during the investment process. In recent years, an ESG Committee has promoted the firm's ESG practices further by optimizing its governance system, enhancing its ESG capabilities, strengthening its information exchange and promoting the influence of ESG values in the industry. While actively supporting internal ESG practices within the company, CPE also encourages ESG education among all industry players. CPE will continue to leverage its expertise and work with sophisticated international investors to promote Environmental, Social and Governance values within the investment management industry.

Governance Systems
Internally at our firm: Thorough investment decision making process with ESG insights
Internally at our firm: Thorough investment decision making process with ESG insights

Over the past few years, we have gradually developed a systematic approach to integrate our ESG assessments into our overall investment decision and portfolio management process. This includes having a sector checklist to preclude deals, thorough due diligence and mandatory documentation of ESG considerations in IC papers.

Portfolio companies: Enhanced corporate governance systems
Portfolio companies: Enhanced corporate governance systems

As part of our ESG work, we have established and continue to improve corporate governance systems for our portfolio companies. This includes assurance of board meetings, financial discipline, a monthly tracking system for business and operational results, an annual evaluation system for senior management, and ethics and business conduct guidance.

Leadership Commitment
ESG committee

The ESG Committee manages all the ESG initiatives of CPE and its portfolios, and is responsible for formulating the ESG-related strategy, as well as managing and supervising the implementation of the ESG policy. The Committee gathers every six months, inviting heads of different departments and/or relevant personnel to attend the meeting. Female leaders take over 30% of the Committee members.

ESG task force

A multifunctional task force supports the ESG committee to develop and bring ESG strategies to life.

ESG Case Studies

At CPE, we focus on active ownership and value creation. We seek representation in each portfolio company. As a board member, CPE is involved at the highest level of company decision-making, which allows it to address and monitor ESG issues directly.

We have a dedicated portfolio management team that works hand in hand with our investment teams to improve the financials, governance and the operation of portfolio companies post investment. With the support of renowned academia from U.S universities, such as Yale University, we help the senior leaders of our portfolio companies integrate globally tested business practices into their daily operations.